Dear Cursillista Brothers:
We have started the “Year of the Amoris Laetitia Family” slot88. Supporting our Pastoral of the family that the Pope wants to promote in the Church movements and through all the episcopal conferences, we will be publishing material that the Holy See shares with us, through the Dicastery of the family, laity and life Omtogel. This with the aim of enlightening us in the important task of getting the message of Pope Francis in the document Amoris Laetitia to the families of our Cirsillos de Cristiandad movement.
Along with this I ask slot88 you to share it with everyone: National and Diocesan Secretariats, and from there to the MCC schools. Thank you all for making the Pastoral Care of the Families a priority and a pastoral that is transversal to all the Pastorals Omtogel. With my greeting and blessing, we place ourselves in the hands of the Holy Family.
¡De colores!

Juan Adolfo Moguel Ortiz
President OMCC
The Cursillo is a Movement of the Catholic Church. This experience was born
in Spain in the 1940s.

Cheer Up!
A moment of reflection
+Faustino Armendáriz Jiménez
Archbishop of Durango and Ecclesiastical Advisor of the OMCC